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An essential guide to campervan and motorhome insurance

AA Recovery Lorry With VW Camper Van

Owning a motorhome or campervan can give you the freedom to travel anywhere. But before you start your adventure, it is important that your home away from home is fully protected against anything unfortunate happening. Finding the right motorhome insurance policy can be confusing, so we have put together this essential guide that covers everything you need to know about campervan and motorhome insurance.

Do I need campervan or motorhome insurance?

Yes! As campervans and motorhomes are classed as a vehicle used on the road, it is a legal requirement to have motorhome insurance.

Not only that, you don’t want your holiday spoiled if anything goes wrong. Whether you breakdown, get burgled or have an accident, motorhome insurance gives you peace of mind that things can be put right quickly and easily.

What types of cover are available?

There are generally three levels of cover you can choose from for your motorhome insurance policy. These are:

  1. Comprehensive – the highest level of cover possible. This covers your motorhome or campervan from accidental damage, fire, theft, vandalism and any third-party damage or injury you cause.
  2. Third-party, fire and theft – this will cover any third-party loss, damage or injury and will also protect your motorhome if it has been stolen or damaged by fire.
  3. Third-party only – this is the minimum legal requirement for campervan or motorhome insurance. It covers damage and injury to third parties. It does not protect you or your motorhome.

What should I consider when choosing a campervan or motorhome insurance policy?

There is a lot you need to think about when choosing the right campervan or motorhome insurance policy. Here are some of the key things you should be looking for:

  1. Does it have sufficient contents cover? Calculate the cost to replace all of the items in your motorhome and make sure your policy covers the total amount.
  2. Are all fixtures and fittings covered?
  3. Does it include windscreen/glass cover? This is the most common form of incident that requires specialist attention to repair/replace.
  4. Does it cover you in the event of an accident, for everything from minor damage to a major accident?
  5. Are you protected against vandalism and accidental damage?
  6. Is breakdown and vehicle recovery included?
  7. Does it cover you against break-in and theft of personal items, and theft of the motorhome itself?
  8. Does it cover you for legal fees?
  9. Does it cover every person travelling?
  10. Does it cover you for travel to Europe? How long are you covered for per trip?

How can I make my campervan or motorhome insurance cheaper?

There are several ways you might be able to save money on your campervan or motorhome insurance:

  1. Keep your annual mileage to a specific agreement.
  2. Change your usage – if your motorhome is the only vehicle you own and is used for daily commuting, your insurance is likely to be more expensive and it can often be difficult to find cover. Using your campervan for leisure only gives you more choice and cheaper policies.
  3. You may be able to accrue no claims discount on your policy – with many insurers, you can use a no claims discount earned on a car insurance policy to reduce your motorhome insurance premium.
  4. Pay your policy annually.
  5. Get specialist cover for a modified or unique vehicle – adapted vehicles, old VW buses and self-builds can often be more difficult and expensive to cover but a specialist insurer may be able to provide cheaper cover.
  6. Some camping clubs offer discounts to members.
  7. Improve the security of your motorhome – tracking devices and security improvements such as alarms and wheel clamps can reduce your premium.
  8. Get some advanced driving qualifications.
  9. Make sure your motorhome is safely stored in your garage or on a driveway if possible. Parking on the road can make insurance more expensive.
  10. Pay a higher excess.

Ultimately, the policy you choose will depend on your budget and personal circumstances. Our top recommendation is to shop around, or even get the help of a specialist motorhome insurance broker, to get the best price and make sure you are fully protected.

For further guidance on finding the right campervan or motorhome insurance policy, visit our Insurance and Warranties page.